How often are the HomesEstimates updated?
We aim to update the HomesEstimates for all homes fortnightly.
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Does delete HomesEstimates?
We do not delete HomesEstimates. We believe that making these value estimates available for everyone to access makes the property market in New Zealand work better and more transparent.
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We're updating the designs of your Google Ad campaigns to align with industry best practices and ensure that you achieve the highest level of engagement. Add sizes: - 160 x 600 - 300 x 250 - 300 x 600 - 970 x 250 - 250 x 250 - 336 x 280 - Social Size ...
How often do we update our market insights values?
We check for new data to update the market insights daily. However, if there are no relevant listings or sales then the numbers may not change.
Are related-party transactions included in the HomesEstimates calculations?
No. The HomesEstimate is intended to provide an estimate of the price that a home would fetch if sold in a full-value, arms-length sale (e.g. the sale isn't for partial ownership of the property or between family members). This means that when ...
How do I update a HomesEstimate?
We understand that our HomesEstimate does not always accurately reflect the value of a property. For this reason, we allow you to update it with a CMA range. To upload a CMA range you must have written permission from the vendor. Login to your ...